Organisational Improvement.
Public Sector organisations are having to do more with less, as well as constantly looking for ways to improve their offerings and services. They are looking for ways to streamline how they work, to maximise value from their people, processes and technology so they can continue to serve the community by delivering critical capabilities. Key to doing this is a clear understanding of the current ‘state of play’, a focus on business objectives, and the needs of users and customers
The challenge with making any sort of change is making sure you are changing the right thing – our consultants will help you to understand the options available, and where the greatest impact will be felt.
They will support you throughout, ensuring stakeholders are engaged and brought along the journey, reducing the likelihood of resistance, increasing probability of success, and embedding the change for lasting improvements. We pride ourselves on developing logical and personalised advice, placing an emphasis on creative problem-solving to develop innovative and realistic solutions, rather than ‘admiring the problem’.
Our service includes:
Design Principles and Strategy: Gaining a clear understanding of your objectives and success criteria, as well as any specific constraints, timeframes, and dependencies
Operating Model Design: Helping you understand your complex business interactions through development of a Target Operating Model (TOM)
Capability Maturity Review: Considering each of your capabilities in turn, assessing it against the TOM to gain a high level view of potential ‘problem areas’
Business Process Modelling: At the working level, understanding the ‘as-is’ and identifying suitable targets for improvements
Value Stream Mapping: Developing a clear picture of what and where value is being generated, so that changes can be prioritised
Gap Analysis: Generating an action plan to move from the ‘as-is’ to the TOM, using an interim Operating Model if necessary
Change Management: Supporting the Business through the changes required to reach the desired state, using a variety of stakeholder engagement and communication interventions appropriate to the business, and scale of the change
Monitoring and Reporting: Ensuring that the changes have had the desired effect is key; therefore, monitoring and reporting on this before, during and after the change will be necessary
How to buy:
Contact us today to discuss your needs and discover how Actica can help you achieve success.
We can be found on major government commercial agreements, reflecting our proven track record of delivery and commitment to the Public Sector. The list below highlights some of the market routes through which our services can be procured:
Artificial Intelligence DPS (RM6200)
Cyber Security Services 3 DPS (RM3764.3)
Digital and IT Professional Services (DIPS) (RM6249) (Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6)
Digital Outcomes 6 (RM1043.8) (Lot 1)
Digital Specialists and Programmes Framework (RM6263) (Lots 1, 2)
Engineering Delivery Partner Framework and Futures Lab
G-Cloud 13 Framework (RM1557.13) (Lot 3)
HealthTrust Europe – Consultancy Solutions and Advisory Services Framework (Lots 1, 6)
Management Consultancy 3 Framework (RM6187) (Lots 1, 7, 8)
R-Cloud 4 and R-Cloud+
Technology Services 3 Framework (RM6100) (Lots 1, 2)
The Scottish Government – Digital Technology and Cyber Services DPS (Lots 1, 2, 4)
Accredited Processes and Controls.